Leaves Of Life - - - Botanicals



Leaf of Life Cleanse - (2 & 4 oz) Tincture, (60 250 mg) Capsules

  • Today, we are featuring Leaves of life botanical formulation, Leaf of Life CLEANSE. Leaf of Life Cleanse™ is a powerful herbal internal detoxification formula, part of the internal cleansing system and is an innovative phytonutrient system designed to help you reset healthy nutritional lifestyle patterns and support your body’s natural detoxification systems.
  • The high-quality plant-based cleanse formula provides essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrient compounds to support detoxification and help optimize metabolic health.
  • We are all exposed to thousands of environmental and dietary toxins and pollutants on a daily basis.
  • When these toxins build up in the body they often manifest themselves in a variety of negative symptoms.
  • Leaf of Life CLEANSE combines powerful cleansing herbs chosen to stimulate and facilitate the release of toxins.
  • Leaf of Life CLEANSE targets and supports the entire internal body with herbs for the liver, the lymph system to soothe the intestines, and more…

Ingredients, Actions & Indications

  • Physic Nut: Antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiprotozoal, antiviral, coagulant, abortifacient, purgative, and wound healing properties.

Read more: Cleanse (Detoxification Support)


Product Information

Leaf of Life Colds| 250 mg | 60 Capsules

Actions, Indications & Ingredients

Daisy treats severe chest colds with with such symptoms as fever, chills, headache, nasal congestion, cough, or stifling sensation in the chest.
Camphor is a cardiac and respiratory analeptic and is also a general stimulant. When inhaled, stimulates mucus flow and acts to cleanse a congested conditions such as bronchitis, chills and cough.
Lemon Grass is an anti-asthmatic, anti-pyretic, anti-viral and is used for bronchitis, colds, coughing, influenza and for tuberculosis.
Monkey Ladder is used for malaria fever, hemorrhages, coughs and colds, whooping cough, tuberculosis, kidney diseases and for backache.Physic Nut: Antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiviral, coagulant, purgative, and has wound healing properties.
Tulsie: For chest colds and alimentary disorders, supports healthy stress response with immunostimulatory , antioxidant, antidiabetic activites.
Tesam: Calmant and a sedative remedy for heart problems and tachycardia, influenza, fevers
Daisy: Treats severe chest colds

Read more: COLDS (Immune Support)